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Get Out of the House! Co-working and On-demand Office Space

In today’s mobile and flexible work environment, finding the right office space that fits your working style and business needs is crucial. Whether you’re a freelancer, a startup, or part of a large corporation that embraces remote working, co-working and temporary office spaces offer a viable solution for maintaining productivity and professional networking. Here’s a comprehensive guide to choosing the best co-working and temporary office space, catering to local, national, and international needs.

Local Co-working Spaces

For individuals or small teams looking for a change from home offices or coffee shops, local co-working spaces offer a community-oriented solution. These spaces often provide essential amenities such as high-speed Wi-Fi, printing facilities, and private meeting rooms, along with the flexibility of hourly or daily rental options. Local spaces also foster networking opportunities with other professionals in the area, which can lead to collaborations and new business opportunities.

Features to Look For:

  • Flexible payment plans
  • Proximity to public transportation
  • Variety in types of workspaces, from hot desks to private offices

National Networks of Co-working Spaces

For those who travel frequently across the country or have teams spread out geographically, subscribing to a national network of co-working spaces can be beneficial. These providers offer access to multiple locations nationwide, allowing consistency in work environment and amenities. National providers often have tiered membership options that can include benefits like access to any location, priority booking for meeting rooms, and even event spaces.


  • Consistent quality and service across all locations
  • Flexible terms that allow moving or scaling as needed
  • Customizable office setups and dedicated account teams

International Co-working Solutions

For businesses operating on a global scale, international co-working providers offer spaces in major cities across the world. These spaces are ideal for companies that need to accommodate traveling employees or establish temporary bases in new markets without the commitment of a long-term lease.

What to Expect:

  • Offices in prestige locations worldwide
  • Support for setting up long-term branded spaces
  • Services like IT support, reception staff, and bespoke business solutions

Choosing the Right Provider

When selecting a co-working or temporary office space, consider the following:

Customization and Flexibility

Look for providers that offer fully customizable office spaces that can be tailored to reflect your brand and work style. Providers should also be flexible, allowing you to scale your space up or down as your business evolves.

Comprehensive Service Packages

Opt for spaces that include a range of business support services. This can include everything from IT support to friendly front desk staff to make a good impression during client meetings. Reporting and insights on space utilization can also be beneficial for larger businesses monitoring their office use efficiency.

Pricing Structures

Ensure the pricing is transparent and aligns with your budget. Many providers offer a range of pricing plans, from pay-as-you-go to long-term contracts, allowing you to find a plan that best suits your financial circumstances.


Whether you are a solo entrepreneur looking for occasional office space or a multinational needing flexible workspaces across continents, the modern co-working and temporary office space industry has a solution. By focusing on your specific needs and the features offered by various providers, you can find a workspace that not only fits your business model but also supports your growth and adaptability in a changing business landscape.

Anywhere Plan has used international co-working spaces offered by providers referred to in this article, since 2024.

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