Pursuing an Active Lifestyle – First Steps in your Anywhere Plan

For many of us, the traditional office environment has long been a barrier to leading the active, healthy lifestyle we desire. Whether your passion lies in beachside jogging, mountain skiing, following scenic rail-to-trail paths, or enjoying a leisurely round of golf, remote work might just be your ticket to happiness and health.

Here’s how you can take the first steps to integrate your passions more fully into your daily life through a strategic “Anywhere Plan”:

1. Start Clicking – Research Your Ideal Locations

Begin by identifying the top 10 destinations that cater to your outdoor interests. Consider factors like proximity to airports, accessibility to friends and family, and availability of essential resources. These considerations will play a significant role in how enjoyable and feasible your new lifestyle will be. Utilize online resources, community forums, and travel blogs to gather insights and compile your list.

2. Explore on Short Trips – Use Weekends Wisely

Once you have a list, start planning visits. Take advantage of weekends and extended three-day weekends to explore potential new homes. Use our Guides and Destinations pages to discover neighborhoods and check out available short-term rentals. These visits can provide a realistic snapshot of daily life and help you gauge the practicality of your passions integrating seamlessly with your work life.

3. Try or Buy – Testing the Waters

After exploring, decide whether to dive in fully or take a more cautious approach with a long-term rental. Look for rental listings in your chosen locale and consider starting with a 6 or 12-month lease. This period serves as a practical test run to truly experience living and working in your ideal setting without the full commitment of buying property.

4. Cross the T’s – Legal and Financial Considerations

Before making any moves, thoroughly investigate the tax implications and understand your employment situation, especially if moving to a different state or country. Check the local tax laws, and if possible, consult with a tax advisor to avoid any unforeseen financial strains. Understanding these aspects in advance can save you from headaches down the road.

5. Evaluate Your Experience – Reflection and Decision

Finally, as you try out your new lifestyle, keep a detailed record of your experiences versus your expectations. Are you able to pursue your hobbies more freely? How does the work-life balance compare to your previous situation? This evaluation is crucial in deciding whether to make your new location a permanent base or to continue exploring other destinations.

Our Anywhere Plan is designed to guide you through each of these steps. With the right preparation and resources, pursuing a lifestyle that caters to both your professional and personal passions is more accessible than ever. Start planning today, and step closer to living your ideal active lifestyle, anywhere you choose.